Nathan Crofts
Design Professional | ArchitectureBiography
Nathan Crofts graduated cum laude from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Architecture, and a Minor in Sustainability. He is interested in the use of technology in architecture, both in implementation as well as its impacts on the design intent and the design process. While in school, Nathan completed a sustainability capstone on waste management in the Uark Union, and an honors capstone on greywater reuse in architecture, looking at the technology in water reuse and the implications a decentralized water treatment system could bring to America.
Nathan’s interest in architecture came at an early age from traveling. Nathan was adopted at 4 months old, which sparked his parents’ love for travel, a passion he now shares. He has since then been to 25 different countries seeing a variety of architecture around the world.
In his free time Nathan dives deep into niche hobbies which include but are not limited to computers, keyboards, fountain pens, and audio gear